Matthew 26:26-30

26: As they were eating the Passover, Jesus does something special with the bread. This is the special unleavened bread used in the Passover, and as such had special significance anyway. The disciples should have immediately understood the symbolism here. The bread being blessed and broken shows the death of Christ according to God’s purpose. The disciples would have understood that, in the midst of a meal in which food represents various things, ‘this is my body’ means that the bread represents the body of Christ.
27: Several times during the meal the cup would have been involved. However, Jesus waits until the end, and the last, or next to the last, cup, to explain his blood in relation to the new covenant. He gives thanks for it and instructs each of them to drink from it.
28: Once again they would know that he is saying his blood is represented by that cup. The new covenant, under which God would write his law on their hearts, had to be put into force by blood. Without it, sin could not be remitted. Jesus makes it clear that his blood meets this requirement.
29: Many have tried to spiritualize this passage by saying that he is not actually referring to literally drinking something. But, it is clear that Jesus really means what he says. He has not partaken of that particular fruit of the vine since that day. He will do so next with the saints after the renewing of things in his millennial reign on earth.
30: The song here sung was likely Psalm 116-118, usually done at the end of the Passover.

Personal Journal Entry #12001
Prayer Journal Entry #12001
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 1:1-3:24

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