Matthew 26:51-54

51: Where Peter came into possession of a sword cannot be said in particular. However, it is not beyond reason to think that he had procured it for just such an occasion. The most likely scenario is that he got it earlier that day when he and John we slaying the Passover lamb for their supper that evening.
It is highly likely that Peter intended much more than to simply cut off the man’s ear. Malchus was one of the servants of the high priest,and was thus saved by the hand of God. First, the intent of Peter was frustrated by the Father, and then his miss off of the center was solved by the Son healing the ear of the man who was targeted. Malchus was not likely targeted for any particular reason, unless it might be that he was standing closest to Peter at the time.
52: Several things are being stated in this verse. First, we must see what is not being said. Jesus had before told the disciples to buy ‘a sword’ if they did not have one. He is not here contradicting that. He was before alluding to taking a sword for self defense from robbers, wild animals, etc. He also was preparing them for a wider ministry with more dangers. Also, he is not saying that the sword should never be taken up by anyone. Some have thought this and argued that Christians must never be involved in conflict of any kind. This is not what Jesus is saying.
He is saying four things. First, his gospel is not to be furthered by the sword. This will only bring death. Second, individual persons are not to take justice into their own hands. This will only bring condemnation as a lawbreaker. Third, those nations who take up the sword for ungodly ends, such as the Jewish nation was just then doing against him, will be judged by the sword in the future. Fourth, even those nations that take up the sword for the right will pay a high price, and must humbly beseech Almighty Providence that it will be a price that is bearable.
53: Twelve legions of angels amounts to seventy-two thousand of them. Obviously, this would be more than enough protection for anything that anyone, even the devil himself, could dish up. This is an interesting verse in that it shows us his submission to the Father once again. He is saying that, even at this point, he could change the plan. But, he would not dream of it. In other words, the Father had given him the freedom to choose, but every member of the Godhead already knew his choice would be what it was.
54: This verse simply strengthens the last point. Jesus asks Peter how to fulfill prophecy without fulfilling prophecy, an impossibility to be sure. It shows that Jesus was constantly aware of the prophetic timetable he operated under. He and the Father and Spirit had already determined the course of events.

Personal Journal Entry #12013
Prayer Journal Entry #12013
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 33:1-35:29

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