Matthew 26:55-57

55: Although Jesus remained silent during much of his trial, we see here that his silence was by choice, not out of necessity. He had plenty to say to the leaders of this band that came to arrest him. He brings their sin to light by pointing out their desire for secrecy. Indeed, they had been unable to arrest him before this time.
Judas also may have thought that Jesus would fight. He may have thought that this would force Jesus to set up his earthly kingdom. However, we cannot know what went on in his mind during all of this.
56: Jesus once again mentions prophecy. Anyone who would pay attention to him could see the truth of his words and the design of his actions. But, to their own hurt, nobody then present seemed to even care what he meant. Even the disciples, never expecting Jesus to give himself over peaceably, left him to fend for himself.
Indeed, the word ‘forsook’ reveals that the disciples did not simply leave because they saw that as the best course of action. They abandoned Christ. They decided to save their own skin, even if that meant leaving their Master to be arrested and condemned to death.
57: Jesus was taken before the high priest in the middle of the night. This was not normal. The Sanhedrin was not usually in the meeting mood at this hour. But, there they were, trying to get their favorite target condemned to death in the middle of the night.

Personal Journal Entry #12014
Prayer Journal Entry #12014
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 36:1-37:36

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