Matthew 26:58-62

58: To his credit, Peter did follow his Lord. However, his desire was to see the outcome, not to be tried with him. With the assistance of John, who knew the high priest personally, he entered the courtyard of Caiaphas’ house. This is how he ended up sitting with the servants.
59: The entire Sanhedrin was intently engaged in this trial. They were trying to make it legal as hard as they could. But, the meeting in the middle of the night was already highly irregular.
They tried to find witnesses so as to legitimate Jesus’ arrest and condemnation. But, since Judas had apparently disappeared, or declined to testify, they were hard put to find what they were looking for.
60: According to Jewish law, the law of God, two witnesses had to testify to the same thing in order to establish a fact in court. Although they found no lack of liars for their cause, they couldn’t get the lies to match up. They knew all along they would be fine with false witnesses, which broke the law. But, straining at a gnat to swallow a camel, they were less than enthusiastic about not finding two witnesses.
61: In the end, two witnesses is all that they found. And, of course, their testimony was a misrepresentation of Jesus’ words.
62: As if two witnesses was more than sufficient, and as if the other testimonies were legitimated by this, Caiaphas asks Jesus for his defense. Jesus said nothing. Considering the highly irregular and illegal format of the trial, Jesus could have said much. But, though those present were unaware of it, Jesus had a greater goal in all of this.

Personal Journal Entry #12015
Prayer Journal Entry #12015
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 38:1-40:23

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