Matthew 27:11-13

11: Pilate had been informed, of course, by the lying Jewish leadership. With him they focused upon the political threat that Jesus might pose. They surely told Pilate that Jesus claimed to be the king of the Jews. This was intended to cause Pilate to treat Jesus as a political threat and examine him as such.
Jesus’ answer to this question might at first be confusing. He affirms that he is the king of the Jews. Surely this would automatically cause Pilate to judge him as a threat to the order Rome had set up in the region. However, we know that Jesus explained the nature of his kingdom to Pilate. He explained that his disciples had not fought for his kingdom at that time because his kingdom was not then of the world.
The kingdom of Christ is at this time in men’s hearts. It cannot be furthered by force. It is, at this time, a spiritual kingdom. However, the day is coming soon when, Jesus’ kingdom will be of this world. He will come in power and glory to set up his earthly kingdom. He will be not only the King of the Jews, but the King of Kings of the whole world.
12: Now that they were in a Roman court, the Jewish leaders were free to testify themselves. But, it seems plain by the language used here that their testimony was no more coherent or accurate than that which they had procured the night before. Regardless of the poor job by the Jews, Jesus did not answer their charges. He kept to his purpose, and the fulfillment of prophecy.
13: Pilate knew that Jesus could hear. He was not truly concerned that Jesus had gone deaf. Instead, he was speaking in this way to incite Jesus to some kind of response. Pilate, understanding how the Jews were, saw Jesus as no threat to Rome. He knew the Jewish leaders themselves were the biggest threat. He knew that their pretended concern for Roman political matters was only to get Jesus out of their way. He knew the wickedness of these men, and how Jesus had driven them almost to lunacy. He was hoping for a good show from Christ, a man whom he knew had more than enough to say. He knew that Jesus could answer the charges quite well. He wanted to see Jesus give them a challenge. He enjoyed their consternation.

Personal Journal Entry #12025
Prayer Journal Entry #12025
Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 17:1-20:26

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