Matthew 27:36-38

36: Having ended with their fun, the soldiers turned to their duty. They were to keep guard and see that nothing disturbed the crucifixion. Jesus had friends and enemies present. For all the soldiers knew, either could be the source of trouble.
37: It was customary to hang a placard on the neck of the prisoner as they made their way along the road, stating the crime that they had been sentenced for. This placard would then be affixed over their head on the cross. Jesus accusation was thus, quite strange. This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. It seems this was meant to be a snub against the Jewish leaders, who immediately took offense at it. They told him to change it, to say that Jesus claimed to be their king. But, not surprisingly, Pilate refused.
38: On either side they crucified thieves, possibly associates of Barabbas, though nobody can be sure of their identity. This was another fulfillment of prophecy. He was in the middle, as if he was considered just another common criminal. And, indeed, he was counted as such and died as such. He took upon himself the crimes of all humanity. Thus, he was the common thief of all common thieves with our sins there on him.

Personal Journal Entry #12039
Prayer Journal Entry #12039
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 14:1-15:33
Praise Journal Entry #12001: Father, I praise You for all that You are, and all that You have already said You shall be. You are the God of all, reigning for all eternity. Thank You so much for the clarity of Your special revelation, the Bible. The fulfillment of prophecy, the meeting of the innermost needs of our hearts, and the specific expressions of Your love for us found in Scripture, all help me to realize the Truth of Your Word. Keep me in it. May I live it, breath it, think it, eat it. May it be the obsession of my heart. Teach me to love Your Words, so that my words may always be good, kind, and helpful. I ask this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I love You, Amen.

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