Matthew 27:39-42

39: Apparently there was some easily accessible roadway near the crucifixion site. Some may have simply passed by, while others came specifically for the purpose of seeing him. The reviling was blasphemy. They were mocking his claims to be the Messiah. Wagging the head here refers to mocking someone.
40: This verse records the words of the common Jews passing by, who had heard about the details of his trial. they repeated the misunderstanding of Jesus’ words about the temple of his body. And, they directly mocked his claim to be the Son of God. Once again we see self-justification. They reasoned that, if he were truly the Son of God, he could come off of the cross whenever he wished.
41: It seems that a good portion of the Sanhedrin came out on purpose for this spectacle. Their lust for blood is revolting.
42: The paradox of these words is revealing. Jesus could have saved himself. But, as they realized, he had saved others. What they did not see was that he was even then dying to save them. Some of these men may have been the ones who would be saved not long after as a result of Peter’s preaching at Pentecost. Indeed, even if they rejected it, he was dying for the sins of every person standing there that day.
These men were practiced liars. Had Jesus come off of the cross at this time their response would not have been belief, but fear. When Jesus returns again, he will come to judge, for he is the Son of God.

Personal Journal Entry #12040
Prayer Journal Entry #12040
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 16:1-18:30
Praise Journal Entry #12002: Gracious and Holy Heavenly Father, You are full of mercy and love. Thank You for Your justice as well. Thank You for calling sin what it is. Thank You for warning man about the dangers of it. Thank You for making Your goodness and righteousness obvious and available through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Your Word reveals Your right ways and intentions. Thank You for Who You are. You inspire me to be a good, godly, holy, pure, kind, helpful, person that I cannot be without You. Thank You for not giving up on us. Your long-suffering patience is a great comfort to me. Bless Your Holy Name! Everything about You makes my soul want to respond with praise and emulation. I want to be like Jesus. I am so far off from that. Help me, Father! I praise You in the name of my Precious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

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