Matthew 27:43-44

43: The parallel between this statement of the Jewish leaders and Psalm 22:8 is uncanny. It only makes sense that the self-righteous Jews would say something like this. They would have no trouble saying something so close to what was found in Psalm 22, even if they realized the similarities. Orthodox Jews even today will do strange things to avoid the association of Jesus with the fulfillment of prophecy. Their eyes are blinded to the truth.
44: This verse has been the cause of much confusion. It is plainly recorded by Luke that one of the thieves railed on him, whereas the other spoke of his innocence and asked to be remembered. Many have said that the one thief simply had a change of heart. However, this interpretation is difficult to imagine given the thief’s words in Luke. It is better to see this as a case of synecdoche, the use of the whole for part in this situation.
This figure of speech is used elsewhere in scripture, and flows well into the figure of speech at the end of the verse. To say that they cast something into his teeth simply means that they mocked him in a similar fashion.
Matthew and Mark both say that both of the thieves did so. They were not present for the crucifixion. John, who was standing right there, says nothing about it. Luke, who has a reputation for getting at the details, records that only one of the thieves mocked Christ. Thus, it is best to see the words of Matthew and Mark as synecdoche in this instance.

Personal Journal Entry #12041
Prayer Journal Entry #12041
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 19:1-21:24
Praise Journal Entry #12003: Gracious and Holy Heavenly Father, Lord of all, thank You for life. It is great to be given the opportunity to choose to worship You. All of us should sing your praises. Help me, unworthy though I am, to give You the praise You deserve. Your great love for all of mankind is a flame that will never be put out. Your plan for the redemption of man is brilliant and awesome! How can we respond with anything but hearts full of love for You! God, You are the center of our existence, the most important person in our lives. I praise You and ask You to fill my mouth with Your praises. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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