Matthew 27:45

45: From noon to 3 in the afternoon that entire region was covered in darkness. It is not clear how large of a region was darkened. However, two things must be noted about this darkness. First, the time of year at which it happened cannot have been the time for an eclipse of the sun by the moon. Second, the fact that a certain region was darkened, and not everywhere that the sun was then shining, is not explainable by science.
The only explanation for this darkness is the hand of God.

Personal Journal Entry #12042
Prayer Journal Entry #12042
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 22:1-23:44
Praise Journal Entry #12004: Almighty God, my Father, and the Creator of this place we call Earth, thank You for another day to serve You. Your Word and Spirit bring such joy to my heart, I must praise you for it! Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Your ways are good. Father, thank You for sending Christ to make a way of Salvation for us. I cannot praise you enough for that. Help me every day to live in tune with Your Eternal nature, instead of the temporal things of this life. I praise You and pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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