Matthew 27:46

46: Three in the afternoon would have been the approximate time of the offering of the Passover sacrifice. Jesus words, following three hours of silence, come straight from the first verse of Psalm 22. Jesus responded to the judgement of God with scripture.
It was during these three hours of darkness and silence that he seems to have suffered the most. It was apparently at this time that he was made sin for us. In this state, God would not look upon him. One who had been in complete fellowship with the Father for all of eternity was separated from him for three hours. It is impossible for us, as humans only, to fathom what Christ went through at this time.

Personal Journal Entry #12043
Prayer Journal Entry #12043
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 24:1-25:55
Praise Journal Entry #12005: Lord God Almighty, my Wonderful Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your greatness and graciousness. Your love for us is amazing. That You would go through with Your plan for redemption is the most wonderful illustration of love that could ever be. Your act in this defines love, grace, and mercy. Lord Jesus, Your willingness to do all that the Father had planned is a great blessing to us all. If only our lives can reflect that blessing, Your love for us, back to You! Oh God, You are, in all of Your glory, so wonderful to me! You have made a way for us to come to You by Christ. For this I am eternally grateful. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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