Matthew 27:51

51: The rending of the veil in the temple has obvious significance. Only God could have ripped this gigantic curtain, especially from top to bottom. It, as well as the attendant earthquake, shows us that the law had been fulfilled, and that the age of grace had begun. No more would people be asked to meet God in a temple. Now God must be met one on one, in Spirit and in Truth.

Personal Journal Entry #12045
Prayer Journal Entry #12045
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 1:1-2:34
Praise Journal Entry #12007: Heavenly Father, we can never truly understand Your grace in allowing access to You by Your Son. We will never appreciate it enough. But, Father, I will try to appreciate it. Thank You for what You have done. thank You for justification by Jesus Christ. Mankind starts looking for justification at an early age, but we look in all of the wrong places. I praise You for the fact that it can be found in You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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