Matthew 28:15-17

15: That the soldiers would take the money is not at all surprising. They really had no choice, unless they chose to tell the truth. That the Jews would easily believe the story is also not terribly surprising. They were looking for signs from the Messiah that they should have never expected, and largely ignored the signs that he did provide.
16: At some point, possibly in the conversation he had just had with the women, Jesus specified a certain mountain in Galilee that he would come to. We do not know exactly what mountain is meant, and Jesus did appear to them in other places.
17: We know that Thomas had his doubts, and apparently some of Jesus’ other disciples did as well, even after seeing Christ. However, it seems that the doubts melted away once they heard his words and saw, by his mannerisms, that it was truly the Lord.

Personal Journal Entry #12064
Prayer Journal Entry #12064
Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 11:1-13:18
Praise Journal Entry #12025: Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, You are worthy of glory! You make life worth living. I look forward to learning more about You each day. The words and life of Christ are a great comfort and inspiration to me. I want to make Your glory known in every place. None should live in such darkness that they would not know of the light of Christ! Though many will reject the message of Your gospel, so many will accept it. It must be preached to all the world. I love You, Father. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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