Matthew 3:15

15: Many, including myself, have wondered along with John about the reasons for Jesus’ baptism. However, the reasons are not immediately obvious because they are so numerous. First, it must be said that there are human reasons, and divine reasons. Since Jesus is both, this is only appropriate.
The primary human reason has to do with the fact that, although Jesus was sinless, he did all that a human under the law would be expected to do. He went the the synagogue, participated in the feasts and sacrifices, paid the temple tax, etc. Thus, his baptism would indicate that John’s baptism should be expected of any obedient Jewish man in that era. Also, humanly speaking, John was his cousin. It would seem only natural for him to want to be blessed as part of his cousin’s ministry. So, humanly speaking, his participation in this baptism was no surprise.
Ont the divine side of things we find even more reasons. First, there is the matter of legitimacy. Much of this has already been pointed out. The baptism of Christ served to highlight the legitimacy of John’s ministry. It gave legitimacy to the ministry of Christ. It was an opportunity for recognition from the Father. It was the point of connection between the Old Testament prophets and the Messiah who was there to inaugurate the New Testament.
Also, divinely speaking, the baptism of Christ identified the Holy One with sinners, whom he had come to save. This is important, and is a theme we see throughout his ministry. His identification with sinners, ministry to sinners, and sacrifice for sinners, makes his life, death, and resurrection more clearly about redemption. Beyond this, his baptism by John prefigures water baptism in the church age. Though John’s baptism was different from present water baptism, Jesus’ baptism shows that it is only different by virtue of time and the events of Jesus’ life. Jesus’ baptism illustrated what would soon happen to Christ, and in him, all who are saved. Baptism today shows what did happen to Christ, and in him, those who are saved. John’s baptism was preparation for what had yet to happen, baptism today is an illustration of what has already occurred.

Personal Journal Entry #12117
Prayer Journal Entry #12117
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Kings 9:1-11:21
Praise Journal Entry #12077: Heavenly Father, Your ways are always the best. Often it is not readily apparent to us that they are so. We see too much with our natural eyes, and not enough with the eyes of faith. May we not miss the path You have so graciously laid out for us because we think we know better. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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