Matthew 4:8

8: In this verse we have two seemingly impossible circumstances. First, as we see here in Matthew, all the kingdoms of the world were shown from the top of one mountain. This is not as impossible as one might think. All of the kingdoms of note in that time were in mostly the same part of the world. The Western Hemisphere, however, could not conceivably have been seen at all from a mountain in the Eastern Hemisphere. What mountain was used we cannot know.
Second, in the Luke’s gospel this showing of the kingdoms is said to have been done in only a moment of time. Surely such a show would take longer. How then can these two impossibilities be dealt with?
We have in our day something that would make sense out of this. It has become plain in recent years especially that the devil is a showman. He will ‘virtually’ do many things, though he is literally limited. A person today could be shown every kingdom of the world, and the most glorious parts of them, in a fairly short period of time. This could be accomplished through Television.
It seems likely that the mountain and the speed of the presentation were both meant to impress Christ, but were more of the same superficial tricks that the devil is so good at. These tricks make the devil look to have more power than he actually does. This is likely exactly what is going on in this verse.

Personal Journal Entry #12126

Prayer Journal Entry #12126
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40
Praise Journal Entry #12086: Heavenly Father, thank You for being real and genuine. The devil is such a trickster! Help us to, as Jesus did, see through his schemes. Thank You for being good and true, not a fake. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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