Matthew 4:10

10: Of course, Satan’s mission is to leave God out of the picture altogether. This was obvious to Christ. No matter what power the devil might try to give him, Almighty God would have nothing to do with it. The second Jesus began to worship the devil, he would become, like the rest of the devil’s kingdom, as slave to him. Thus, Jesus responds with Deuteronomy 6:13. He put the focus back on God, and the worship and service that he deserves.
What is interesting to note as well is Jesus’ statement before the quotation. He very strongly commands the devil to go away. Jesus knew the devil was finished with his normal group of tricks. Anything more would be tossed out of the same bag. Also, this final temptation was quite direct and arrogant. Jesus would not be a party to someone suggesting the worship of anyone but the Lord God Almighty.

Personal Journal Entry #12128
Prayer Journal Entry #12128
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 12:1-14:17
Praise Journal Entry #12088: Heavenly Father, You would deserve our worship regardless of Your response to it. However, we know that You reward those who diligently seek after You. Praising You is an exercise of the natural focus of our being. It causes us to be in harmony with Your will and ways. Father, help me to worship You at all times. Thank You for Jesus and the gospel of salvation through him. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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