Matthew 4:9

9: Much confusion has arisen over this verse. This is due to Satan’s claim to have the right to give Jesus the kingdoms of the world. Satan speaks as if, as he is recorded in Luke’s gospel, he has complete right to dispose of these as he will. However, just as Satan’s presentation of the kingdoms was a phony, so his rule is a phony. Satan does indeed hold sway over the kingdoms of this world, and much of the people in it. But, this is a conditional rule. He has no natural right. Almighty God is the unconditional ruler of all the universe, including this world. The devil has only a conditional and temporary rule here on earth. He could offer Jesus only what he had. Those who are not servants of God are automatically in the devil’s jurisdiction and power. Jesus could only take part in this kind of kingdom if he, as men who love not God, worshiped the devil. In other words, God has given control of those who worship the devil over to the devil. This control is all he has, and all he can offer.

Personal Journal Entry #12127
Prayer Journal Entry #12127
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 9:1-11:47
Praise Journal Entry #12087: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wisdom and Sovereign control of Your universe. I know it all fits in the palm of Your hand. You are so much greater than we could ever imagine. Thank You for keeping the devil in check and giving us the hope of eternity. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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