Matthew 5:4-5

4: Those who morn seem to be those who are bereaved. However, in the context, it could also mean those who are repentant, morning over sin. Either way, it has the same bottom line meaning. Christ is here saying that those who recognize and mourn over the trouble that is in this world through sin will be comforted. Whereas those who are simply sad, but fail to recognize the root cause of all troubles, are not included here.
5: Meekness is the opposite of pride. These verses are getting at more or less the same truth stated in different ways. Humility rather than pride will be characteristic in those who inherit the earth. The earth here meant is the future new earth. Thus, seeing God, possessing heaven, inheriting the earth, and being called the children of God are all fundamentally the same thing. As Jesus says in the letters to the churches in Revelation, those who overcome will be the recipients of many great things.

Personal Journal Entry #12143
Prayer Journal Entry #12143
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 35:1-Ezra 1:11
Praise Journal Entry #12103: Our Gracious Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your comfort. If we seek comfort in anything or anyone else but You, we are let down. Make us humble, Father. Meekness before You is such a worthy cause. May we always keep a tender spirit, being sensitive to Your Truth, and Your Will. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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