Matthew 5:14

14: The light of the gospel has been shining brightly since the time of Christ. the city on the hill is not only an illustration, but it also stands as a rallying cry for the army of ambassadors for Christ. The light of the gospel cannot be, and has not been, hidden. Each Christian must, however, shine his or her light in the corner of the globe where they have the most influence. Light is something that everyone is thankful for. Though persecution will arise from evil men, Christians should inspire thankfulness in the hearts of decent, common people. Our character should be above reproach, and our speech should match it.
Jesus is here using a simple example to tell his followers to make the light available. If a city is not set on a hill, it may not be seen readily. For wayfarers it is always a comfort to see the lights of civilization, though today they are so bright that being on a hill is not always necessary.

Daily Bible Reading: Esther 4:1-8:17

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”

Daily Tidbit: When the Jews returned to Jerusalem from captivity there was a need for a good number of them to live in Jerusalem. this was important for the protection of the walls and temple which had been rebuilt. Nehemiah 11 shows that they actually cast lots (like tossing a coin) to see who would live there. Those who were selected (ten percent of the people) willingly left their current place to live in Jerusalem.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Spirit. You draw people to Yourself by Your Holy Spirit. This is the greatest blessing I can think of, to be pursued by Almighty God. But, after salvation, You add to the blessing. Your Spirit, living within us, seeks to sanctify our lives for Your glory. We literally have a personal coach for life inside of us as Christians. This is a great comfort! Help us always to listen to our personal trainer, that we ma be ‘in shape’ for life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a couple at church having health issues. Pray for some unsaved neighbors, and that we can be a witness to them.

Personal Journal Entry #12152

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