Matthew 5:21-22

21: In this verse, Jesus begins his explanation of the law. Where he says ‘ye have heard’ he is referring not to what was originally written in the law, but to how it had been taught to the Jews by the Jews down through the years. Thus, he was correcting some common misconceptions.
It had been decided that certain types of murder should be punished by death after the judgment of the council. This is much like our degrees of murder today, first, second, and so forth. Thus, some forms of murder had come to not be punishable by death.
22: Jesus revives the true meaning of ‘thou shalt not kill’ and explains its true meaning for the heart of man. Those who are angry with others in their heart for the wrong reason will be judged by Almighty God. Raca means to call someone worthless, to belittle them. Such persons, Jesus says, should be judged by the council. Calling someone a fool is basically equivalent to cussing him out. This person, Jesus says, is deserving of hell, and should expect such. Thus, Jesus shows that ‘thou shalt not kill’ is not just a rule to be followed in its letter, but also in its spirit. The chances of one killing his neighbor who is never found to belittle him, find fault with him, or swear at him, are much less indeed.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 14:1-16:22

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:2 “Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.”

Daily Tidbit: It is amazing what we think of as ‘not so bad’ these days. Many Christians will call people morons, idiots, and other such names. This is the same as the ‘raca’ expression that Jesus was talking about. Cussing people out is not illegal in America. Freedom of speech should include the freedom to condemn your neighbor, right? Yet, Jesus says it is wrong. Thus, morality cannot simply be legislated, it must be produced in the heart of a person.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, our Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them, thank You for Who You are and what You teach us. Jesus is such a comfort to us. To know that You love us so much that You would send him is a great blessing. We can never thank You enough. Christ stand s as that great connection between man and God Almighty. He is the link we have You, Father. What a joy this is! Please help us to know Christ as we should. Bring us closer to him and make us more like him each and every day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a neighbor having health issues. Pray for a woman with gall stones. Pray for a couple on a long trip.

Personal Journal Entry #12157

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