Matthew 5:23-24

23: Often even the Jews forgot what many of us today readily miss in the sacrificial system. The offerings, whether for sin or for praise, had to be offered with the right attitude of heart. Sin could not be regarded in one’s heart while an offering was made. If something was between you and another, it needed to be dealt with.
24: The resolution here is immediate. You cannot simply intend to reconcile, and then offer anyway. The reconciliation must come before the offering. This is true even today, though the sacrificial system is not in use. New Testament saints should keep short accounts of sin with God Almighty and the neighbors. Sin must be dealt with speedily. Otherwise, our praise for Almighty God will be unheeded by him, and meaningless.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 17:1-20:29

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:2 “Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

Daily Tidbit: The Great Egret is an amazing animal. It has beautiful white feathers that seem to stay white all the time. It is fascinating to study how this occurs. The Egret says in muddy water much of the day, and yet remains brilliantly white. One of the ways that this is maintained involves a special kind of dust that is produced in down patches on the bird. The Egret uses these patches to coat its feathers with a white dust that clings to dirt. The dust can be shaken loose, taking the dirt with it.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wisdom. We so often are not so good at knowing what is best for our lives. We get caught up in things that are really a waste of time. Thank You for leading us to goals in life that will amount to something. Thank You for making us more than just the sum of our parts. We can make a real difference in the lives of others, and in this world. This is all through You, of course. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady who was taken to the hospital yesterday. Pray for pastors at churches in our area to preach the Word of God.

Personal Journal Entry #12158

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