Matthew 5:25-26

25: Many have taken great pains to make this passage an allegory. They greatly complicate an otherwise simple meaning. The adversary here mentioned is someone who, like the brother mentioned in the previous verse, has something against you. As a result, they are, literally, taking you to court. While on the way, Jesus says, you should make every effort to listen to him and make amends with him. Otherwise, the one that you owe may choose to take his complaint to a higher court.
26: The point, which we see effectively in this verse, is that those who do not get along with their accusers will not have a good time of it. So, Jesus is simply restating a principle that he had mentioned in the previous verses, and that he explains elsewhere. If you are guilty, be quick to admit that guilt and confess it, and settle up with those who require just satisfaction. Otherwise, you must not expect unfair treatment of your guilt to keep you from severe punishment. The proper attitude towards our sin is what is at issue here. Denying your guilt is a bad idea.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 21:1-23:17

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:3 “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

Daily Tidbit: I had heard of the law of diminishing returns before, but forgot what it meant. So, I looked it up. The law goes like this: If you are producing something, and you increase one element of the production process (while keeping all others the same), it will lead to a diminishing of the quality, and value, of the product. I was thinking that this principle could be applied to our spiritual lives. If we pursue one thing that God tells us we should do, and yet neglect other things, that one thing will not benefit us nearly as much.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for being patient with us. You must look at our pitiful growth in spiritual things and see how much more we could have if we would just reach out and take it from You. Help us to see that it is not about what we do, so much as what You can provide. Your strength makes so much possible for us. Give us the faith to depend upon Your faithfulness. Help us to stop thinking of all that we do not have and rely on You fully for what we do have. Your way is truly perfect, and we seek to walk in it. It is amazing to think that we can bring any glory to You. But, let us enjoy that fact that You enable us to do so. You are worthy, Father. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for an older couple in our church as they deal with health issues. Pray for a young girl with complicated health concerns. Pray for a lady having trouble with one of her feet.

Personal Journal Entry #12159

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