Matthew 6:11

11: Prayer is to be a consistent practice. Faithfulness and constant dependence upon Almighty God are the important things. We are not supposed to ‘pray ahead’ for needs that we will have next week or next year, and then neglect to pray again on the day of our need. Instead, prayer is to be our constant practice on a daily basis. This verse shows us not only that, but also, that we are to ask for what we need, not simply what we want. The ‘daily bread’ here signifies that which ‘day by day’ God will see to be our need and will supply for us. Thus, the emphasis is laid upon us asking and receiving daily, as opposed to asking only once for a supply that will last forever. Almighty God is not to be treated as genie, who we wish something from once, and then use that thing until it is exhausted. Nor is he a good luck charm, which we look to only in times of great need. Contrariwise, he is like oxygen. We take in only enough oxygen to suit our needs for a short time. We cannot store much oxygen ahead of time. It is our constant need, and we are sure not to fail to secure our needed amounts on a regular basis! Almighty God is just the same. He expects us to need him just as we need air. He expects us to come to him for every, daily need. And, he expects us to ask for only what we need at the moment, trusting that he will be available to supply all of our needs all of the time.

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 120:1-131:3

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:8 “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

Daily Tidbit: Insensate means to have no sensation or consciousness, to be inanimate.

Praise Journal: Father, thank you for your wisdom and Truth. you always know what is best, even when we do not. Help us to see the value of doing that which you would have us to do. You always have the answers that we need! Help us to look to You even when we think that we are dealing with a problem that we can handle ourselves. Oh Father, help us to understand that You care for us as children! May Your children depend upon You fully so that others, who are not yet Your children, may see and be saved. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man who has health issues due to diabetes. Pray for those involved in a plane crash. Pray for the lost.

Personal Journal Entry #12190

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