Matthew 6:13

13: Although the word here for temptation can simply mean trial, actual temptation to sin is also in view. We are to ask Almighty God to keep us from temptation. Obviously, though, Jesus was himself tempted, and we are told elsewhere that temptations and trials will come. However, this verse is to remind us that God is in control of such things, and we are to trust him in them. Temptation becomes most grievous when we fall under it. Trials are more sever when we despair as a result. Thus, we are to pray earnestly for his deliverance. The word for deliverance here can literally mean to rescue one from a calamity. ‘Evil’ refers specifically to the evil one, the devil.
Although some versions leave out the remainder of this verse, it is best to leave it as it is. In fact, this is a quote from a prayer of David in 1 Chronicles 29:11. The kingdom and authority belong to God the Father, and we are to recognize this. Glory is always his as well. Although we do not find the expected ‘in Jesus’ name we pray’ at the end of the Lord’s prayer, Jesus tells his disciples elsewhere to pray in his name, so it is necessary as well.

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 138:1-144:15

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:9 “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

Daily Tidbit: The English word ‘facinorous’ is a great way to translate the word ‘evil’ in Matthew 6:13. It is an adjective which means to be extremely wicked. It comes from the Latin word, ‘facinorōus’, which is derived from the Latin word ‘facinus’, which means ‘bad deed’. Thus, one could say that the devil is the ‘facinorous one’.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You are amazing! I can never stop being overwhelmed by Your holiness, overawed by Your love, and overcome by Your grace! You are always faithful to us. You have never let us down. We may experience trials and temptations, and yet You want us to ask You to deliver us from them. We do ask for that, Father. We know that You are able to keep us from these calamities. But, we know that You can guide us safely through them as well. Your grace is truly amazing! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man with heart problems. Pray for a man with serious health issues. Pray for a man looking for a new home. Pray for missionaries that were robbed recently.

Personal Journal Entry #12192

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