Matthew 6:14-15

14: The question that comes to mind here is concerning salvation. Can one be saved who refuses to forgive? The Father expects us to forgive others. Thus, when one comes to Almighty God for salvation, he must do it not only with a heart that seeks forgiveness, but also with one that gives forgiveness. This is the true essence of repentance. Unrepentant persons will hold back on forgiving others. Repentant persons will find it easy to forgive others. So, one must be wiling to forgive in order to be saved. Those who are saved, in order to be obedient, will also be wiling to forgive. A lack of this willingness would lead to disobedience and chastisement.
15: We know that, as believers, we can still sin. We must ask forgiveness for this, which God gives us freely through Christ. If, however, we temporarily refuse to forgive, this grace is temporarily cut off from availability. In the life of a true believer, this will be temporary because it will cause disunity and a lack of fellowship with God Almighty, as well as chastisement from Him.

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 145:1-150:6

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:9 “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

Daily Tidbit: Referring to Almighty God as our ‘heavenly Father’ is a great privilege of His children. However, we must do so with an understanding of what we are saying. The Greek word for heavenly, οὐράνιος, means ‘dwelling in heaven’ or ‘coming from heaven’. Thus, ‘heavenly Father’ refers to our Father who dwells in heaven. However, the English word heavenly has quite a few other meanings. It can mean that something is divine. It can refer to the stars and planets as celestial bodies. It can simply mean that something is sublime or very nice. Thus, we must realize that some might confuse the intended meaning of this simple word used in connection with the Father.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, I am glad that there is such a place as heaven, and that You inhabit it. It is the deepest desire of my heart to be in heaven with You some day. I know that, by the blood of Christ, I will be there after this life. Oh Father, I long to know the One that could make all of this beauty I see around me! Your creation is amazing to me. Thus, You must be all that much more amazing. Just as I long to see more of Your inventions, I want to see more and more of You. I cannot ever have enough of You, my God. You satisfy the thoughts of my heart. You answer the mysteries I see, and yet bring to me more to search out. Help me to always live a life that fits my hunger for You. May I not settle for living in the pursuit of things less than You. Be my constant thirst, my Master. Orchestrate the details of my life so that I may serve You as an obedient slave to You. I cannot ask for more than that, for to serve You is a great privilege. To be Yours is to have a significance and meaning that transcends this earthly plane. I know that You will make something out of me, as I seek to make much of You before others. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man with pain in his chest. Pray for a man having tests this week. Pray for a man with diabetes.

Personal Journal Entry #12193

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