Matthew 6:16-18

16: The Scribes and Pharisees, as well as some of the other Jews of Jesus’ day, had developed elaborate practices in connection with fasting. Though they were not actually sad, they looked sad. They would neglect their personal hygiene to the point that others would notice. However, since long-term fasting was not as common, they added to this putting ashes on their head. Thus, they would, quite literally, disfigure their face with ashes, dirt, a dour look, etc. Everybody could tell what was going on. And, as Jesus states, this was their goal, to be seen by others. As before, Jesus says that such recognition would be their only reward.
17: Jesus instructs us to act normally during fasting. The anointing of the head, though not a common practice today, was important in ancient culture. It prevented dry skin and provided a good smell to the body.
18: By proceeding with our personal hygiene in a normal way during fasting, others would not particularly notice. This does not mean that we cannot tell anyone that we are fasting if they ask. It just means we are not to go about proclaiming it from the rooftops. God the Father can see what is done in our lives and reward us accordingly.

Daily Bible Reading: Proverbs 1:1-3:35

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:9 “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

Daily Tidbit: A parallel passage concerning fasting can be found in Isaiah chapter fifty-eight. In verses three through nine we can see the kind of fasting that Almighty God takes pleasure in. Just imagine, fasting from food so that you can give food to those who are hungry. What a difference from fasting for self-righteous motives!

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, may we always see to do Your will. We often think that we know what You want, rather than finding out what Your Word says about it. Thank You for Your mercy and grace! Whatever Your plans may be for each day, they are always the best. Time and time again we see that Your way was the right way. Time and time again we will search out Your purposes, only to find that Your purposes are perfect. Show us daily the wisdom of Your way. May we understand what we need for each moment as we try to serve You rightly. Oh Father, sometimes I think I’ll never get it right! How can I ever please You in all that I do? But, it is not our effort that makes things good, it is Your grace. I can’t ‘get it right’, but You can make it right. I must trust You to help me to please You. You designed us for Your pleasure. Surely then You can guide us in our task, and make us successful in it. Oh thank You, my Lord and Savior, for Your deliverance from the failures of sin, and the weakness of the flesh. As Paul said, when I am weak, then You are strong. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man with chronic chest pain. Pray for a man with serious health issues. Pray for the lost, and for laborers to be sent into the harvest.

Personal Journal Entry #12194

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