Matthew 6:22

22: This verse has a great passage to go with it from the Old Testament. Jesus is staying on the same topic of treasure and beginning to describe those who serve God Almighty, and those who serve money. The passage that is so helpful here is Deuteronomy 15:9. In this verse, the Jews are instructed not to fail to lend to a fellow Jew just before the year of release. Many were tempted to do so because the year of release meant a forgiving of debt. Thus, they knew there would be less value in the deal, and would try to avoid it. The Lord instructs them not to have an ‘evil eye’ against those who would borrow from them. Thus the ‘single’ eye Jesus describes here is one full of the love of Almighty God. Those with a ‘single’ eye would see their lending as a blessing to others from God, instead of thinking of their own profit.

Daily Bible Reading: Proverbs 10:1-12:28

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:10 “But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.”

Daily Tidbit: The use of the word ‘single’ in Matthew 6:22 may confuse some. Because of the time of translation for the King James Version, many old English words are found in the text.
Some would argue that this causes too much confusion , and should be avoided altogether. However, we do not stop teaching Shakespeare in high school, and his plays come from around the same time. Studying these older pieces of literature remind us of our language’s heritage. Beyond that, the need to discuss the definition of a word reminds lay persons that there is a translation process behind any version of the scriptures. It helps people learn to trust Almighty God to preserve His Word, as opposed to thinking that we can do so through a ‘perfect’ translation. Using the KJV can help people remember that the meaning of words change, and that they have to put forth some effort (“study to shew thyself approved” 2 Timothy 2:15) to find out what God’s Word says. Trying to make God’s Word easy to understand is okay, but if you water it down too much you will ultimately find that you always have to explain it.
The word ‘single’ here, in Middle English, could mean ‘honest’ or ‘sincere’. These words make sense in Matthew 6:22.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, it is amazing how few people praise You. We owe all we have to You, and yet, we fail to glorify Your name for all of it. I know that the enemy hates You praise. But, I will praise You because You alone can create something good. All that we can on our own is destroy. We need You to make us truly artistic. Give us the beauty of Your holiness in our lives and creations. Let us not spend all of our days creating destruction. Oh Father, make me Your child not only in my heart, but in my actions. Help me to allow Your Spirit to fill me to overflowing with Your joy, peace, and hope. Give me Your love, that I may win others to You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for Christians to lead authentic lives.

Personal Journal Entry #12197

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