Matthew 6:33

33: We must keep Almighty God, and His desires for this world, at the forefront of our minds. This is literally what Jesus means in this passage. The will of the Father, and the holiness that He would place within us, are to come before food, shelter, clothing, and other basic needs. Jesus is here teaching that a fundamental belief in the rights of Almighty God as the King of the universe comes before our belief in our own right to exist. Indeed, our existence has no legitimacy if we are not, before all else, aligned with the plans and desires of our great Sovereign. Some may speak as if we may not resist His will. Whether we may or not is not the point, we should not dare to try. Many are proud of their insolence and spurning of His authority, but they live teetering on the edge of eternity, not considering the value of their own lives.
Those who will refuse to recognize and pursue the will of the Lord in their life are doomed to spend their existence seeking the necessities of life. But, for those who will see and love the true state of things, the Almighty has already provided a storehouse of goodness for their earthly adventure. He will put his blessings right next to His children (which is the meaning of the word ‘add’ in this verse). Just as the fruits of the garden in the very beginning, we have nothing more to do than to reach out and partake of His bounty.

Daily Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-6:12

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:11 “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and are perished in the gainsaying of Core.

Daily Tidbit: The Greek term for ‘seek’ (ζητέω) in Matthew 6:33 is the same word Jesus uses in Luke 19:10. It refers to a patient and hopeful expectation for that which is sought. Thus, the same measure of dedication that Almighty God has for pursuing us should be found in our pursuit of Him. Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit work together to secure the complete measure of the plan of salvation. We must seek to recognize the authority of the Godhead in all that we do. The word ‘first’ does not simply mean before all else, but above all else. Seeking His kingdom and righteousness is to be the only quest of our lives, regardless of how God leads us in it. The other pursuits of our lives are to be just attendant circumstances, helpful to the overall goal of the glory of Almighty God.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, may the joy of Your person overflow me! Oh Father, give us great delight in You! To desire knowledge of the Holy One is a good use of our existence. Knowing You, and making You known, is such a noble cause. It gives credence to our needs, and legitimacy to our very existence. The man who would live without You must prove his worth without You. He must make sense of everything with only himself as the measure of it all. He cannot touch the infinite, and is bound in this time and place. He will ultimately find his greatest pleasure in his own destruction. He will deface his own soul in an attempt to rid himself of the stamp of Your image. May we never descend to that place, but embrace the fullness found in You. Our lives may be keepsakes on the shelves of Your treasuries. Even our physical death is precious to You, and by Your power is not destruction, but a transformation. As all of Creation we long to be glorified, remade to suit the splendor of a universe clothed in reflective majesty. I long for the day when You shall be not only the light of my soul, but also the light by which I will see with my natural eyes. I hope expectantly for a world not filled with disembodied spirits, but glorified bodies. Oh Father, may we live like we know the reality of these solid dreams! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a family that recently lost a young child to death. Pray for a youth group that is travelling. Pray for a lady who has trouble breathing.

Personal Journal Entry #12205

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