Matthew 7:1

1: This has to be one of the most misunderstood verses in all of scripture. It has been quoted time and time again by those who are trying to obfuscate their own guilt. It is assumed that this verse means that all judging, of any fashion whatsoever, is to be avoided completely. Such an interpretation is, obviously, quite ludicrous.
Indeed, there are a couple of problems with such an interpretation. First, humans are, quite naturally, discerning individuals. In other words, we can perceive right and wrong. Thus, to suggest that a person proceed through life without making any judgments concerning the relative goodness of other individuals is, of course, really ridiculous. Secondly, Jesus obviously intends for people to be discerning good and evil, otherwise verse 6 of this same passage would make absolutely no sense whatsoever. So then, what is the proper interpretation of this verse?
Quite simply, it means what it says. The phrase “judge not” points out immediately that Jesus is speaking of those who would judge by their own measure. Once again, he does not refer to judgments made with the standard of law. If he did, he would be suggesting a concept antithetical to his own teaching. Those who he has in mind are they who have, by their own determination, put themselves in the place of law, attorney, judge, and jury. They, by their own made-up standard, bring condemnation upon the heads of those around them. They may seek to cite some law of God in doing so, but they must twist it to make it fit their purposes.
The second phrase “that ye be not judged” is the easy-flowing conclusion. Those who will judge their fellow man by their own preconceived notions, rather than by the perfect standards set forth by Almighty God, will be the recipients of similar treatment. You may not escape being judged by God, or by others who have been given authority by the Almighty to judge you by his standards. What you can escape is being judged by the trumped-up charges of others. If you never dole out unfounded judgments, you will have nothing to fear when they are passed upon you.

Daily Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 11:1-Song of Solomon 4:16

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:12 “These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;”

Daily Tidbit: Jude 1:12 contains what could be a very confusing statement. It is against scientific fact to say that one could have clouds without water. However, the key is in the statement “carried about of winds”. In other words, they are like clouds that blow by quickly, but bring no rain. They claim to bring great blessings with them, but those blessings are not forthcoming. This statement is possibly a quotation from Proverbs 25:14, which says, “Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.”

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace! Without Your goodness I would long since have become utterly hopeless. We so often want to think better of ourselves, and worse of others. Forgive us! Oh Father, Your judgments are perfect. You are always a just judge. You never condemn us by a twisted standard. You do not lie about us, or invent ways to make us guilty. You deal only in truth. Father, You are worthy to be praised as the good Judge of all mankind. I am so glad that Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, will judge my life. Though I fear the exactness of His justice, I rejoice in its purity and sincerity. I would never want to be judged by another. How He feels about me is precious to me. I value his thoughts about me more than I can say! Father, thank You for Your Son! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for the election tomorrow. Pray for a man with stomach pain. Pray for a family with young children recovering from a very serious car accident. Pray for a man having open-heart surgery this week. Pray for a lady having back pain.

Personal Journal Entry #12207

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