Matthew 8:14

14: Several things must be noted in this verse. First, Jesus notices Peter’s mother-in-law as soon as he comes into the house. The disciples told him quickly, but he knew it all along. This reminds us of the importance of telling Almighty God our needs. He already knows, and has more than enough power to meet those needs, but he wants us to ask.
   Secondly, we notice that these miracles have been for those who would normally be considered less important, or forgotten altogether. The first was a leper, the second a Gentile, and this was a woman. Jesus left nobody out.
   Finally, Jesus was always willing to go with the flow of events. Unless he had a specific point to make, he would allow interruptions, and seemingly unexpected needs, come into his schedule. Though many would be quick to point out that he knew everything ahead of time anyway, he is to be our Example to follow. So, we should have a similar willingness to find our schedule in the serendipitous revelation of God’s will for our next moment.

Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 38:1-40:49

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:20 “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,”

Daily Tidbit: Though many may have thought the world would come to an end today, it did not. However, the reactions to the continuation of things as they are makes one wonder about the reaction when it actually does one day. When Jesus takes the church out of the world, for example. what will people’s reaction be then? When he returns to to rule on earth, how will everyone respond? Scripture gives us an educated guess to the answer of these questions. Indeed, based on the reaction to this day, and what we find in scripture, the true ‘end of the world’ will likely not make people very happy.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness to us. You are always ready to meet our needs. I am glad that You ask us to tell You though. Our greatest need is to remember that You are the Source of all good. We easily forget that. Oh Father, may we be as willing to be interrupted by You, as You are to be interrupted by us! Your love is so patient. We speak of the patience of Job, and yet You had to be patient with him! Lord God Almighty, Your ways are perfect. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for children still recovering from sickness. Pray for people this Christmas to spend time with their families.

Personal Journal Entry #12253

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