Matthew 8:15

15: The woman was immediately healed. She was not fatigued, hungry, or in need of long recovery. This was not always the case. Sometimes Jesus’ miracles were different, like with the blind man who saw men like trees, or the young lady that needed some food after she was raised. None of this minimizes Jesus’ power. What it does do is point out that he will heal in his way, not ours. We may not always understand why some are healed, while others remain sick. We make Jesus’ ability to wipe all the problems away our acid test of his power. And yet, he has yet to wipe all problems away. He will, one day. But, in the meantime, we must believe that he can, whether he heals like we would expect or not.

Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 41:1-43:27

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:20 “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,”

Daily Tidbit: The biblical cubit was probably about 18″, which was generally measured by the length from a man’s elbow to the tip of his middle finger.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for each day that You give to us. If the rapture does not occur this coming year, which would be better, we look forward to a whole year of days from You. Every one of them is a new opportunity to remember Your glory and grace. May we never miss a day of realizing Your role in our lives. May we never let a night slip by without knowing that You have us in Your hands. We believe that You can do anything You want to do, and that You have a very specific plan for this year. May 2013 be a year full of people bringing to You the glory that You deserve. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for the strength of Christian marriages. Pray for our shut-ins. Pray for those who are recovering from health issues.

Personal Journal Entry #12254

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