Matthew 8:22

22: Though Jesus’ statement here may jolt many into a bad attitude towards him in this passage, his words were not that strange. The Jewish persons listening would at least understand that he is referring to those who are dead in their sins. Jesus is literally comparing physical and spiritual death. He says let those who are spiritually dead care for those who are physically dead. This does not exclude his followers from participating in any funeral whatsoever. What it does do is to make the call of Christ on one’s life more important than one’s own family, even if that means missing a funeral. The question is not whether a minister of the gospel may be involved in family affairs. The question is whether family affairs may be sufficient grounds to keep one from being a minister of the gospel. One dare not wait to serve on a foreign field, or move to a far away place, for Christ only because of fear for missing their parent’s funeral. If reasonable means may get them to their parent’s deathbed, then okay. But to wait close to home on the chance that someone might die someday is preposterous. You are just as liable to die waiting for them to depart as they are to die while you stay.

Daily Bible Reading: Hosea 2:1-7:16

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:23 “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”

Daily Tidbit: The ‘James’ ossuary, reported about ten years ago, is an example of the burial practices of the ancient Jews. Though the inscription on this box is, and likely always will be, disputed, the ossuary itself is a great example of what was at stake in Matthew 8:21-22. The eldest son in a Jewish family would remove the father’s body from the family sepulcher a year or two after the funeral. The body would be decomposed, so only bones would be left. The bones would then be placed in a box such as this ossuary. So, this disciple may have wanted to stay close to home so he could re-bury bones!

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You are wonderfully kind to us! Blessing people with friends and family to encourage and help them is very kind of You. You know that we need each other and You. You bring us together at church, unified by You Spirit, in the name of Your Son. It is so nice to know others who love You and serve You. If I were to sit down and try to list all the ways that You bless my life, it would take way too long to do it! Oh Father, we do not deserve Your blessings, but we know that Your glory is great, and You will not share it with any other. You are not good because You give it great effort to be so. You are good by Your very nature. You are truly glorious! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man having problems with his blood. Pray for a woman who just recovered from cancer. Pray for a man who is suffering from heart trouble.

Personal Journal Entry #12261

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