Matthew 8:28

28: Two things in this verse are hard to reconcile with both Mark and Luke’s gospels. For one thing, Matthew calls these people the Gergesenes, whereas the other two mention the Gadarenes. The Gadarenes and Gergesenes lived in the same general region, and both groups of people were likely involved in this story.
  Secondly, Matthew says that there were two demon-possessed men. Mark and Luke mention only one. Many explanations have been given for this. It must be said that no explanation is needed. There were two men, and Mark and Luke wrote about only one of them. However, allow me to offer a possible explanation anyway. Matthew would likely have the best understanding of the events. Jesus was likely met by both possessed men in succession. To the first he gave the command for the unclean spirit to depart. However when then have a response from the demons asking Jesus whether he had come to torment them early. How could the demons do so if they had just been cast out? Thus, it is likely that one of the men was relieved of the unclean spirit in him when Jesus made the command to depart. Then the demons responded from the other man, who probably ran up just then. Verse 31 agrees with this in that it tells us it was the demonic hoard within the man speaking. Indeed, Legion was likely only the spokesman for the group.

Daily Bible Reading: Micah 4:1-Nahum 1:15

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:25 “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Daily Tidbit: Persecution has served to increase the numbers of believers throughout history. This is strange indeed. In a natural way of thinking, opposition would seem to detract from the attractiveness of the gospel, not add to it. But the gospel is not natural. Persecution of true Christians causes their testimony to shine more brightly. It causes people to realize the true face of Christ. It causes others to see that Christians are not violent, haters, intolerant, or otherwise belligerent. It shows the world that true Christianity is something special, something that cannot be bought, sold, or manufactured. It is real and alive. And it gives us a hope that is sure, and that is worth more than all that his life has to offer.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, it is so good to know that You are infinitely more powerful than our enemy, the devil. It is so good to know that no amount of persecution can outweigh the glories of heaven. It is so good to know that You are in control of it all, and that You have our best interests at heart. Father, Your power is perfect, Your ways are always wise, and Your name is worthy of great praise. May Your praise continually be in our mouths! You are worth knowing, praising, loving, and living for a thousand times over. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady with Alzheimer’s. Pray fro a lady with health needs. Pray for a man with fluid on his lungs. Pray for a man recovering from a heart attack. Pray for a young lady recovering from a car accident.

Personal Journal Entry #12267

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