Matthew 8:31-32

31: The attitude of the demons is quite pathetic. They realized they had no choice but to be cast out, despite how they worded their request here. They knew Jesus could do with them whatever he wanted, and they were very desirous to remain in that region. They furthermore knew that Christ would never allow them to enter another human at that time. The pigs were, thus, likely the only living things nearby at the time.
32: Jesus gave the demons leave to do as they had asked. This may be thought strange at first. Why would Jesus give them what they wanted. A couple of things must be considered. For one thing, they did not get what they wanted at all. They would have wanted to stay right were they were, and they did not get that in any case. Also, the devil and his minions are allowed to go about in this world at this time. However, it is only by God’s leave that they do so. They may have no more influence than he allows. So, we see that Jesus is acting the same as the Father would act. The demons are allowed only to influence the minds of those who would choose the devil over Christ.
   Indeed, we see that this is the ultimate result of the situation. It seems likely that the demons intended for the pigs to perish. However, the exact implications for the final state of the demons in the immediate future after this event is to us uncertain. What is certain is that the death of the pigs caused those in this country who were averse to Christ to request that he depart. The demonic hoard therefore brought more attention to the situation. This did not frustrate Christ. He always allowed people to decide things for themselves. If the actions of the demons influenced people against him, that would be their own choice. The devil and his hoards are never allowed to make people’s minds up for them. He only may attempt to influence men’s minds and wait for the outcome.

Daily Bible Reading: Zechariah 1:1-6:15

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:1 “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;”

Daily Tidbit: If we doubt the power of prayer, we doubt the power of God.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You are the greatest blessing of our lives. Being allowed to come to You in prayer is so sweet to our souls. Being counted, by Christ’s righteousness, worthy to bring praise to You is a real joy and precious privilege. Knowing Your power, we are overwhelmed to think that You hear and take to heart are every word. Having Your care and concern at our disposal is the surest means of comfort imaginable. You give our lives meaning and purpose. You truly care about our happiness and our future. Oh Father, thank You for loving us as You do! It makes this vast universe of Yours into a friendly place for us, rather than a vacuum of emptiness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for  a woman recovering from a stroke. Pray for a family that just lost a young mother.

Personal Journal Entry #12270

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