Matthew 9:16

16: In richer nations this illustration will be more difficult to understand. Many in America especially would never dream of repairing the kind of holes that clothes can get in them when they are kept for a long time. This is what is in view here. Jesus was speaking of putting a patch on a piece of clothing. Due to the wear and tear, and washing methods, that a garment might undergo in the ancient world, a new patch would be inappropriate. Newer cloth would shrink a bit and would be stronger than the old garment. Thus, using a patch made from new cloth would make matters worse rather than better.
   By this illustration, Jesus is simply saying that fasting was not the right fit at the moment. There was to be a new covenant, and fasting must be based upon it. The believer would relate differently to the Lord in the future. And thus, fasting would be different. An Old Testament saint might fast in order to remind themselves of their need for God’s presence. A new Testament saint might fast to remind themselves that God is present with them. It is the same thing, except that the one looks forward, and the other looks back.

Daily Bible Reading: Mark 1:1-2:28

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:4 “And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.”

Daily Tidbit: Just as we have unique fingerprints, each person has a unique tongue-print.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for all that reminds us of You. You have not left Yourself without witness. There are reminders of You everywhere we look. Your power is so great! Thank You for giving us Your Truth in Your Word. Jesus is such a blessing to our hearts! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady with a tumor in her heart.

Personal Journal Entry #13022

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