Matthew 9:18-19

18: This ruler, Jairus by name, was evidently a person of some prominence in the local synagogue there in Capernaum. Jesus had surely come into contact with him before, and his worship of Christ here indicates that he believed much more about Christ than most of the Jewish leaders.
   One of the difficulties we find here is that in Mark and Luke the ruler tells Jesus that his daughter is not yet dead at this point. It is, we are told in these accounts, later that a messenger comes to tell Jairus that the girl is dead. However, a close look at the wording here will reveal no confusion. Jairus here in Matthew says that his daughter is ‘even now’ dead. These two English words come from one Greek word. This word ‘ἂρτι’ means ‘just now’. Thus, ‘even now’ tells us that Jairus left his daughter’s side as she lay dying. He felt certain that she would be, by the time he had reached Jesus, almost dead, or already dead. Thus, this explains the urgency of the situation.
19: The disciples always wanted to be with their Lord, even if he was just going across town in a familiar city.

Daily Bible Reading: Mark 5:1-6:56

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

Daily Tidbit: Although the personal faith of the founding fathers of America was generally not as clear as we would like, their help to Baptist people in their day is remarkable. Patrick Henry, for example, one of the chief instigators of the Revolution, was next door neighbor to a Baptist minister by the name of John Weatherford. Earlier in Weatherford’s life, he had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel. He was, after some time, allowed to leave the prison if he paid a fine for his room and board. He was unable to pay. An anonymous donor paid the fine, and he was released. The donor was, as Weatherford later discovered, Patrick Henry. (This Day in Baptist History, Thomas and Cummins, page 31)

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your renewal. Every day is new with You. You give us new opportunities, and new lessons to learn. Living close to You always keeps life fresh and exciting. You have a boundless store of ideas and blessings waiting for our souls each day. Lord, may we truly drink deeply at the fountain of Your joys! You bring a life to our life that is hard for us to understand with our natural senses. Thank You for new life in Christ. May we always seek to follow him! You give us more than we could ever expect or imagine. The treasury of Your Word is full of good things for our days, and sweet dreams for our nights. Knowing that You have our best interest at heart is such a comfort! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man who has six to nine months to live. Pray for a man who will die soon. Pray for a man with the flu. Pray for a little boy who is sick.

Personal Journal Entry #13024

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