Matthew 9:20-21

20: The difficulty of this woman must be duly noted. Her condition was very bad for several reasons. For one, she was not getting any better. She had consulted many doctors, spent her entire savings, and had nothing to show for the trouble. She was thus, in a bad way. Also, her condition, besides being uncomfortable and inconvenient, was isolating her from others. It caused her to be unclean, according to the law, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. As a result she could not hold up her head in society, and was an outcast. Indeed, having had this problem for twelve years, she was surely known by many in the city, her condition included. She should not have even been out of the house on this day. Anyone she touched became unclean, according to the law. Thus, it was quite a risk she took coming to see Christ.
   There was a large crowd thronging around Jesus as he moved through the city. The woman had to force her way to him. She did not ask for healing because she feared that the people would immediately cast her away if anyone recognized her. So, she tried not to draw attention to herself. Otherwise, she would have to have called out to Jesus, which would surely have exposed her identity to someone in the crowd who knew who she was.
   Evidently the woman realized that touching Jesus would not make him unclean. Her faith in him was obviously strong. She knew he was her only hope. The part of his garment that she touched evidences this. She touched the fringe of his garment. This is called the ‘tzitzit’, and it is considered to be the holiest part of the garment. It was a blue thread twisted into the fringe of the garment. It reminded the Jews of the law, and was commanded in Numbers 15:38-41 and Deuteronomy 22:12. It is as if the woman touched this part on purpose, knowing she needed something from God, wishing she could fulfill his law.
21: Her faith is quite plainly stated here. She had no doubt that Jesus had the answer, she had no doubt that he had the power to heal, to make her whole again. She evidently never feared that her touching him would be offensive to him at all.

Daily Bible Reading: Mark 7:1-8:38

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

Daily Tidbit: During religious persecution in England in the late 17th century, many laws against those of other religions other than the church of England were enacted. One such law limited all public religious gatherings outside of the church to no more than four persons. Not surprisingly, this law did not keep Baptists from meeting together, and being imprisoned for it. This makes one wonder, would Baptists in America today react in the same way to such a law? In some places, it seems that people are trying to avoid groups of more than four worshiping together without any law against it!

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for the religious freedom that we have in this nation. It is wonderful. But, Father, I know that our freedom comes ultimately from You, not a government of man. You are such a blessing to us! Knowing You, and worshiping You together with others is such a joy and privilege. Thank You! Father, I am so glad that You have sent Your Son to solve all of our problems, no matter how big they might seem to us. Forgiveness for sin is a mercy and grace that I will never get over. It is so great to be able to stand before You clean and whole. Bathing in Your grace makes me feel so clean and fresh! I cannot put it into words properly. You make life so much better. We don’t have to live with fear, doubt, guilt, etc. Thank You for Jesus! He is the best friend I will ever have. Nobody cares for me like Jesus – that is a very fitting statement. Only he has met my every need. I only hope I may serve You all of my days. I cannot pay back what You have given, but I will try to do my reasonable service. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a woman with a tumor in her heart. Pray fro an older couple with health issues. Pray for an older man with health issues. Pray for a family that just recently lost a loved one.

Personal Journal Entry #13025

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