Matthew 9:22

22: Jesus did not have the slightest hesitation about the situation. He was far from being upset with this lady. Indeed, he was eager to reward her faith. He knew supernaturally that she had touched him for a reason. Many were touching him, jostling about, pushing, touching him just because, etc. The multitude was almost at mob levels. Yet, Jesus stops everything to speak to this woman. Notice his kind words to her. He not only healed her body, but saw the need to heal her soul. She needed an emotional support she had not had in a good many years. She needed that comfort of Almighty God that she thought she might never have again. She needed the smile of the Master to warm her troubled heart. Her faith in him was all it took. Jesus was willing and ready to heal those who would trust him. And she received the blessing that she came for. Oh what a picture of Jesus’ power to take our sin from us!

Daily Bible Reading: Mark 9:1-10:52

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

Daily Tidbit: Johann Oncken, a German Baptist minister who was very influential, had a motto that Baptists today would do well to take up. The motto: “Every Baptist A Missionary” Indeed, when Baptists get serious about their faith, missions work of some type is always the result.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for this day to live for You. You have given us a lifetime of opportunities to serve You. Today we want to give You all the praise that You deserve. You are worthy of the glory! How can we ever thank You enough for all that You do? You are so kind to us, so loving! All praise be to You dear Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a family with spiritual needs. Pray for a man going through cancer therapy. Pray for two men with terminal cancer.

Personal Journal Entry #13026

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