Matthew 9:26

26: We are told in the other gospels that Jesus instructed the parents of the girl not to publicize the event. Jesus chose some miracles to publicize, and some to keep private. In the case of Lazarus, or the widow’s son, he did not try to make the matter private. Here he does. Though Jesus’ intentions are not always clear to us, there could be several reasons for his choice here.
   First, Jesus did not, in general, want people to believe in him simply on the basis of his miracles alone. He wanted people to believe he is the Messiah. The miracles he chose to make public were specifically for that purpose.
   Second, Jesus was apparently concerned about misunderstanding or misrepresentation. He knew the atmosphere in Capernaum quite well. As a result, he felt it best to keep the matter private. Misunderstanding could lead to the opposite of the desired effect. It could drive people away from him rather than draw them to him.
   Third, the girl was a child. Jesus knew that she, and her parents, did not need to be surrounded and hounded by questioners and curious persons. That would only cause headaches for them. Remember, people were very superstitious in that day.
   Either way, the miracle did end up getting publicized, at least fairly widely. As Matthew tells us, that entire area heard the story.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 1:1-80

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:6 “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:”

Daily Tidbit: The first church in Tennessee was the Buffalo Ridge Baptist church in Washington County.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wisdom. You always know exactly what needs to be done. You know how we think, and what we think. You have the solution before we know the problem. May we always rely on You for the answers. You are a fountain of good in a world of evil. Thank You for Your Son, and all that he means to us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a middle-aged couple with spiritual needs. Pray for an older man with a cold.

Personal Journal Entry #13030

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