Matthew 9:27

27: The address of these blind men to Christ is more complete than what we hear from the lips of those who see. They did two very significant things by how they called for him. First, to address Christ as the Son of David was no common salutation. Though any male descendant of David might be referred to in this way, it was not how people would have referred to any other of David’s descendants. Thus, this is very specifically used, and has a very specific meaning. These men were recognizing Jesus as the Messiah of Israel, and nothing less. Jesus ran into few during his ministry who actually recognized his identity publicly.
   Second, to ask for mercy was quite appropriate. This is not to say that the men were asking only for forgiveness from sin. They were asking for healing. However, using the term ‘mercy’ carries with it an understanding that all physical malady has sin as its root cause. They were recognizing and admitting that, though their desire was to be healed, the Messiah would know and be able to forgive their sin as well. What a great measure of faith we see then on the part of those less privileged than the masses.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 2:1-3:38

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:6 “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

Daily Tidbit: While the number of men, and women, is constantly increasing, the number of good husbands, and wives, is constantly decreasing. For those looking to be married some day, keep this very important thing in mind. Let Almighty God find the best one for you.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful day. Lord, you are always there. I never can understand how You can live me so much and be so faithful to love me and be concerned about me. But, I won’t complain! Oh Father, You are truly the best friend we could ever have! I can’t get over how You are always there for me all the time. I wake up in the morning not ready to ‘be there’ for anybody, and yet You have been with me all through the night. I need You every hour! I am so glad that You don;t get tired of my needyness. You never complain or tell me to go away. You give me strength for each day and a sense of newness every morning. It is revitalizing to know You. I feel fresh and alive when I live close to You each day. I feel like there is a fountain flowing into my life. Oh do I need a fountain! Everywhere I go it seems I am pushing out, trying to feed the message forth to others. I must have a fountain flowing into my soul. I must not dry up! You are so powerful, so able to make me alive. Without You I would be in really big trouble. Thank You for Jesus! Jesus thank You for Your love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for the Boy Scouts. Pray for a woman whose husband just left her.

Personal Journal Entry #13031

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