Matthew 10:1

1: We should take note of a couple things here. First, we must not presume to do anything without Christ. He must supply the power and authority to do his work. We must remember that we are but helpers in the work, and not lords over it. Secondly, Jesus will always give us the power to do what he wills. If we have not the power to do something that we would, we must ask ourselves if it is in the will of the Lord.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 22:1-71

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Daily Tidbit: In Luke 22:45 we are told that the disciples were sleeping ‘for sorrow’ when they fell asleep in the garden. This means that they were depressed by what Jesus had been saying about his death, and going away from them. Indeed, his whole demeanor had been less than encouraging in their estimation. Thus, they fell asleep partly because they had warn themselves out worrying about the matter, and partly because they were afraid of what it all might mean. Sleep is often a way that we try to run from our worries and fears. It is at these times that we must not sleep. It is then that, as our Master, we must watch and pray.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for this wonderful day to serve You. We can never praise You enough for all that You do in our lives. Thank You for giving us the power to do Your will. It is great to know that You are the force behind our lives. We should not be worried or afraid because we can trust in You. Your care for us is complete. We praise You for sending Christ to us. Jesus’ love for us is a blessing to us. May we love him always! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for Christians everywhere to be reminded this week to love one another.

Personal Journal Entry #13041

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