Matthew 10:3-4

3: There are several lists of the twelve disciples. The others are found in Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-16, and Acts 1:13, 26. Though there is some variation in these lists, a couple of things are very consistent. For one thing, there are always three groups of four. These three groups always have three men at the beginning of the group. Peter is the first of these, Philip is the second, and James (the son of Alphaeus) is the third. Also, though Peter is, understandably, listed with his brother Andrew a couple of times, he is also listed with James and John a couple of times. This points out the ‘inner circle’ as we call it of James, John, and Peter.
4: The last two in the list bring us quite a study in people. First, we have Simon the Zealot. As a member (former) of the Zealots, Simon would have hated tax collectors with a passion. Yet, here we find him working alongside Matthew. He obviously found in Christ a cause far superior to opposition to the Romans.
   Judas also gives us an interesting study. He was, apparently, the only one of the twelve that was not from Galilee. His name ‘Iscariot’ is likely a reference to a town in Judea. And yet, though he was distinguished in this way, he was the one who betrayed Christ. As we see from the reaction of the other disciples at the last supper, Judas was the last one they expected to be a traitor.

Daily Bible Reading: John 1:1-2:25

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:10 “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”

Daily Tidbit: At the end of the second chapter of John’s gospel we read some important words. Jesus did not need anyone to tell him about mankind because he “knew what was in man.” Though we may forget it, Jesus knows more about us than we know about ourselves. He knows how we are. He knows our needs, he knows our wants, he knows our weaknesses. He did not commit himself to man in that he did not associate with any particular group. Instead, he formed a group of those who were truly committed to him. He knows how we are, and how often we fail. And he knows how to help.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, I am so glad that You never get tired of us. When we ask for Your help over and over and over, You keep listening. You have patience that never runs short. Oh Father, I need strength! I am so weak! Thank You for Christ, and the encouragement and comfort that we have in him. Help us to rely on the power of Your Spirit. Help us to lean on Jesus, who is always faithful. You are so good. You have given us just what we need for our lives. You are the endless supply for us. You never grow old, tired, worn-out, low, or rotten. Unlike us, You are always fresh and new. You always have the best before You. You are always strong. Lord, we need You so much! Thank You for being there all the time for us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for missionaries all over the world. Pray for our country’s leaders at the local, state, and federal levels.

Personal Journal Entry #13043

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