Matthew 10:5-6

5: Obviously, Jesus was not at all against sharing the gospel with the gentiles, or the Samaritans. He ministered to both groups on occasion. This particular sending of his disciples was a way to fulfill Scripture. It was a Messianic act. It was to be a tip-off to the Jewish community that he was indeed the Messiah. And, some of the Jews did respond positively, though most did not.
6: Jesus was speaking figuratively here. The ‘lost sheep’ of Israel statement was not meant to refer to any particular group, but to the Jewish people in general. Matthew alone records this section about going only to the Jews. Being the most Jewish-minded of the gospel writers, Matthew was trying to show that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah. He wanted his Jewish readers to understand that Jesus did bring the new covenant to the Jew first. However, the Jews, as a nation, rejected it.

Daily Bible Reading: John 3:1-4:54

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:10 “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Daily Tidbit: This idea of the Word of God Almighty being ‘in’ us that we find at the end of 1 John 1:10 is quite interesting. If we deny our tendency to sin we are not consistent with the message of Scripture. Beyond this, however, we see by the statement that we are intended to have the Word inside of us. What exactly does this mean? Without Christ in us, it is impossible to understand. But, considering his presence in our lives, we can understand that this is speaking of the internalization of the Word. This includes bible reading and verse memorization, but is not at all limited to them. It also speaks of being ‘doers’ of the Word. It speaks of our attitude towards the Word, and our beliefs concerning its inerrancy and its appropriateness for all of life. As the author, the Holy Spirit must not only reside in us, but he must be in control of our faculties. We must yield to his thoughts and will. Now we naturally have an aversion to allowing another to control us. However, the control of the Spirit actually enables us to control ourselves better than we could ever hope to do without his influence.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for this glorious day! Thank You for that verse that You gave me earlier, 2 Corinthians 12:10. It has been a while since I had something so clearly from You, thank You so much! Our weaknesses are truly nothing in the face of Your strength. We will live in awe of how You enable us to live full and peaceful lives through Your Truth. You are so good for us. You’re just like a good night’s rest. You feel so right in our souls. When we live according to Your plan, life is pleasure rather than a pain. Things that would otherwise make little sense to us are easily understandable. You are so worthy of all the glory! Thank You, Father, for Your Son, Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for our military personnel. Pray for our police force.

Personal Journal Entry #13044

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