Matthew 10:18

18: Though the disciples likely did not suffer this level of persecution on this particular trip, it was right around the corner, as they would soon discover. Thus, Jesus is warning them ahead of time. The governors would, in this case, be Romans. The kings would be either the Herodian kings or some of the other Roman officials.
   This would happen for two reasons. First, Jesus says it would be ‘for my sake,’ which would be the primary motivation of the betrayers. The cause of Christ is offensive to those who reject him. As such, their response to it will generally be quite negative. Secondly, the disciples would face persecution ‘for a testimony against them.’ Some would say that Jesus here means that it would be a testimony to them, not against them. However, the thought must be taken in context. They would be delivered up for being a testimony to others. Once brought to the officials to be persecuted they would be a testimony against them. In other words, the gospel message has a twofold result here. It brings some to Christ, and it marks others as antichrist. When these Jewish leaders who turned the disciples over to the authorities will stand before Christ one day, the preaching of the disciples will be a testimony against them.

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 5:1-6:15

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:3 “And hereby do we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

Daily Tidbit: It is good to take note in Acts 6 that the earliest deacons were not labeled with that title. Evidently, the title came later. Stephen, one of these early deacons, did many things that we would not expect a deacon to do today. He preached and worked miracles, and was, of course, martyred. Thus, though deacons do have a specific role, this must not preclude them from having other roles as well.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word. It is a blessing to our hearts. Thank You for involving us in the great task of preaching the gospel. It is such a privilege to be involved in that. everything You do for us is a blessing, but getting to share Christ with others is real treat. Jesus is so wonderful! Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son to die for us. His resurrection is the hope of our lives. It is what we live for. Knowing that by his sacrifice he has made it possible to live with You forever is the greatest knowledge we can have! Thank You for Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man whose wife recently died. Pray for our police force. Pray for a man with a bad job situation.

Personal Journal Entry #13055

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