Matthew 10:21

21: Jesus has never wanted to destroy the family. Jesus is the most pro-family person in history. However, he wants us to understand that the gospel will make enemies. And these enemies will come from the most unexpected places sometimes. We have to understand that humans, without God’s help, love themselves more than anybody else. This means that they will betray anybody if they feel threatened enough. The gospel tells us of an all-powerful God who quite simply commands us to be saved, or face the consequences. That really rubs us the wrong way. But it’s true.
  To Jewish listeners, this would be horrifying. In our modern world this kind of statement doesn’t seem as shocking. But, for them, it was quite a jolt.

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 11:1-13:52

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:4 “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

Daily Tidbit: I just watched a couple of videos of Dr. Ben Carson speaking about America. I almost came to tears. It is so refreshing to hear a man who loves God and makes sense. He is the real deal, and he is not afraid of the media, the government, or anybody else. He has real, true integrity. Look it up on youtube. Look up Dr. Ben Carson speaks at 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. Look up his interview with Hannity (I don’t know anything about Hannity, but it was interesting). Look up anything else you want to on the man. He is what we need in America. He is the black man who came up from poverty and has the integrity, brains, and courage to run a nation. And he would challenge each one of us to have the same characteristics. We have to stop being a nation of babies. We must be a nation of grown-ups. If he were to run for president, I would actually enjoy voting for him. I could see voting for a Seventh-Day Adventist much easier than voting for a Mormon.
   Apparently we have plenty of other religions, denominations, schisms, etc. trying to make a difference. Where are the Baptists? The Baptists were crucial to the formation of this nation, and I believe that we would be crucial to the saving of this nation. But, perhaps, help will come from elsewhere.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for You. I know I say it a lot, but You are so important. Without You, this world is just crazy. I need You every day. I need Your help and Your guidance. Oh Father, help me to see Your hand in this world. Help me to remember Your blessings in my life. You are so great and good! For every breath we breath may we find reason to praise You! You have the power to make us into something special in Your sight. You can fulfill the deepest needs of our hearts! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady who recently had a stroke.

Personal Journal Entry #13058

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