Matthew 10:22

22: Two things need to be considered here. First, the name of Christ will always be the thing that causes persecution. If we are hated for something other than that name, then it is our fault that we are hated. We should be, in such a case, ashamed of ourselves. But, if it is for the name of Christ that we are hated it is not our fault, nor is it a shame. Hatred is the natural result in a heart turned against Almighty God.
   Secondly, this idea of enduring to the end does not support the idea that one can lose his or her salvation. What it does do is tell us that those who crumple under persecution are not genuine Christians. For example, many have made the argument that it would be okay to deny Christ so that you could go on witnessing for him. In other words, some who have been put to a test of life or death over their beliefs have denied Christ in order save their skin and continue preaching. This is not a genuine Christian response. Many will point to Peter’s denial and argue from that. However, Peter, after Pentecost, would never have been found to deny his Lord. Such endurance to the end is evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person’s heart and life.

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 14:1-15:41

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:4 “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

Daily Tidbit: Persecution, like what Paul faces in Acts 14, often causes Christians to redouble their efforts to win people to the gospel. But, when persecution is mild, it is easy to become lax in our witness. This does not mean we have to have persecution to do a good job. What it does mean is that we have to do a good job no matter what happens.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You do in our lives. Your grace is truly amazing. Your love is boundless. Your mercy is limitless. Your patience is well nigh unbelievable. Your kindness is wonderful. Your holiness is inspiring. Your goodness is comforting. How could we ever praise You enough? You are worthy of all our praise and adoration. We must focus upon You, for in that focus we will find best use of our lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for the family of a couple pastors that just died. Pray for a man who is not sure what will happen with his job.

Personal Journal Entry #13059

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