Matthew 10:31

31: The Scriptures tell Christians not to fear on many occasions. It is one of the most common messages of Scripture. Almighty God knows that, as weak human beings, fear is a big problem. We are tempted to be afraid of just about everything. And, if we do not stop it, we can become afraid of everything.
   In this case, Jesus is telling the disciples that they do not have to be afraid because of the level of value God ascribes to them. This is very important, and is a big encouragement to us. For one thing, it counteracts the normal pull of our sinful society, towards the dehumanization of man. This is a natural tendency of wicked society, and must be challenged. That God values us above the animals is an argument for the value of human life, and the importance of the human experience.
   Also, this is a great comfort to us. To know that Almighty God values us as persons is extremely gratifying. It gives us a sense of our given place in the universe and our given right to existence. It helps us to see that we actually are worth being and living. We have a significance that is connected to an infinite being. That is the essence of what it means to be human. We are made in God’s image. We were given a very important role, from which we fell. We are designed to be more than we are in our fallen state. We are designed to be God’s trusted servants.

Daily Bible Reading: Romans 9:1-11:36

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:7 “I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.”

Daily Tidbit: On of the most simple concepts of Scripture I think is largely not discussed in this day. This is the explanation of the difference between Adam and Christ, and how this relates to salvation. Romans chapter five gives us an explanation of this concept, and it really helps one to understand how salvation works. Adam sinned. That is the first thing to understand. If Adam had not sinned he would still be alive today and we would have nothing but good things to say about him. He is not, nor never would be, God. But, he would have been a perfect man, just as he was created to be.
   However, Adam sinned. He failed. We failed as humanity. The root of sin was found in all of us. We are under the condemnation of that sin, and our sins that we commit each day. Thus, as Adamites, we are condemned to death. Death reigns in us. We are not, in Adam, living. In Adam, we are dying. Those who have only Adam to look to are, indeed, dying, and not living. So, many will try to deny Adam. Adam is one of the most neglected, disbelieved, distorted, misunderstood, and otherwise misrepresented persons in all of history. Why? Because he is bad news for us. In Adam, we are a shambles, we are broken, we cannot hold up our heads.
   Jesus is the solution to the problem. This is the simple concept of Romans five. It is so simple, many will miss it. Jesus is the Second or Last Adam. He is a perfect human, just like Adam. However, he is even more than Adam could ever be. Adam could influence all of humanity for all of history by one decision. As the leader of all mankind, he doomed us all. However, Adam could influence us only by physical birth. If there was found a man, such as Jesus, who was not born of a man, Adam could not have any influence upon him. The doom would not, and did not, pass to that man. Jesus is different in that he does not change anyone by physical birth. He has no children, no descendants. But, he has released millions of persons from that awful doom. How? By his power as the Son of God. By the power of his resurrection. By faith in his name. In other words, because Jesus is God, he can make us righteous without having a physical connection to us. Only a spiritual connection is required. That is what he meant when he told Nicodemus to be born again. Thus, Jesus is our only hope of salvation. Without him there is no substitute for Adam. Without him, there is no lifting of the doom that hangs over us. Without him, we do not live, we only die.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus Christ! I am so glad that You have solved Adam’s problem. I am glad that You did not simply look at Adam and destroy him on the spot. Your mercy to us is wonderful. Though we have offended Your holiness and worked against Your plan, You made a holy plan for us. How can we ever thank You enough for restoring us to our given place in Your world? You cannot be paralleled! Your love is unfathomable! Your grace is boundless! I love You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a young man who needs to be saved before he makes a wreck of his life.

Personal Journal Entry #13068

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