Matthew 13:14

Matthew 13:14
   This is a quote from Isaiah 6:9-10. Isaiah was told to tell his hearers that they would not hear him. This was not only true for his day, but is a recurring theme for the Jews. Though they have been given much truth, many have rejected that truth. Paul also quoted this passage when he was witnessing to the Jews at Rome. Like so many others, there were those among the Jews in Paul’s day who refused to accept the truth of the gospel.
   One very important thing to remember here is that this is a voluntary blinding. Some have come to the conclusion that Almighty God simply decided not to allow these people to believe. That is only true in a sense. He has prevented them from hearing the truth that has been given them, but only because they had already rejected the truth before. This is one of the dangers of not listening to Almighty God. Sometimes he will continue to give you the truth even though he knows you will reject it. It just makes the rejection that much worse. He will get the glory,and it will be apparent that you are missing a blessing.

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-29:29

Scripture Memory: 1 John 2:29 “If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for reaching out to us with Your Truth. Though You know that many of us will reject it, You still make it available anyhow. It is so good to know that You actually want us to know You. You want us to have a desire for You. You want us to hunger and thirst for a deeper relationship with You. Thank You for that comfort. It is amazing how much that helps. Just knowing that You actually care about what we do with Your Truth shows us how important it is to our lives. Every word that You say is precious. It all means so much because it come to us from Your heart. You love us, and that is why You have given us the Truth. Though it may difficult for us to accept, it is better than being told a lie. Thank you for not just giving us what we want. So often we get what we want only to find it cannot satisfy. You can satisfy, and we love You for it. Thank You for Your Son, and salvation through him! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man trying to get a lot done at work. Pray for a woman recovering from surgery on her vocal cords. Pray for a man trying to get a second opinion on a medical condition. Pray for the family of a man that just died. Pray for a national missionary facing many challenges.

Journal Entry #13171

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