Matthew 13:42

Matthew 13:42
   Have you ever thrown stuff into a junk heap? This is the picture you should get into your mind when thinking of this verse. The word ‘cast’ doesn’t simply mean to throw something. It is describing what we do when we pitch an item headlong into the garbage. We don’t do it carefully or with good aim. We just make sure it gets in the trash bin and leave the rest to chance. Our care for the item has been reduced to putting it into the proper place, and nothing more. This is the meaning here. The tares are cast into the furnace indiscriminately. There is no care, no concern for the tares, they are all lumped together and share the same fate. The furnace burns one as well as another.
   This idea of wailing and gnashing of teeth has been very misunderstood. Though those who are condemned to hell will experience great pain in the torments of that dreadful place, these words are describing more than a simple reaction to that pain and torment. The wailing, or weeping, will be on the part of those who, having feared this result, lament the reality of it. The gnashing of teeth will be due to many who will feel their condemnation unjust, and will lash out at anything and everything. This interpretation becomes obvious when one considers what it would be like to realize that hell was now your eternal abode. Some will weep and cry, others will scream and rage. All will be stuck forever.
   Many people would like to avoid thinking that such a place even exists. But, Jesus was very clear about it. He taught about it many times. He does not want anyone to be consigned to that place, but he knows many will.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 25:1-27:12

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:6 “Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is so amazing to think of the depth of Your mercy when I think of the awfulness of hell. It is easy, as humans, to fear that hell will swallow us all, but we know that this will not happen. The very fact that You allow this world to continue is a testimony to the fact that You are not finished saving people from that fate. You are so merciful and gracious. It is not by our goodness that we will escape, but by Your kindness. You have made a way, a plan for us. Thank You, Father, for Your precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is so important to us. He is the greatest friend we could ever have. What love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a 12 year old that has serious heart trouble. Pray for a man who is trying to lose weight. Pray for a family having trouble with their plumbing at home. Pray for a man having neck pain. Pray for Vacation Bible School. Pray for two girls who have not attended church lately.

Journal Entry #13197

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