Matthew 13:54

Matthew 13:54
   The people in Jesus’ hometown were amazed by his wisdom in teaching and his power to perform miracles. The did not understand how he became like this. He had seemed normal enough to them before. There was apparently nothing in his years in Nazareth caused anyone to think of him as exceptional. Although this seems strange to us, it is likely exactly the case. Jesus would not have attracted much attention as a boy or even as a young man. Certain expectations would have been fulfilled by him, and only those very close to him would notice his righteousness. Again, this seems strange to us, but it should not. Just because a person does not draw much attention to himself or herself does not rule out the possibility of an exceptional nature.
   Indeed, Jesus was not an overly impressive person if one was not familiar with his teachings and powers. He was not somehow better looking than every other person, at least not noticeably. He was not one to make his intelligence known in such a way as to draw attention to himself in a self-serving way. He was not necessarily taller, or stronger, or faster, than his childhood playmates. It was his message, rather than his mannerisms or bodily presence, that made the difference. This is not to minimize him in any way. But, what we must realize is that Jesus is human and divine. It is his divinity, not his physical makeup, that makes him who he is. Only seeing him now, in his full glory, in his glorified body, can one see the difference between what he is, and what we are. Of course, we cannot at present see him like this.
   The wisdom and powers of Christ were amazing not because he was an exceptional human being, but because he was ‘God with us.’ Jesus is great because Jesus is God, not because he is the best of all humans. These people, living in his hometown, failed to understand that they were not simply seeing a grand and glorious human being. Instead, they were seeing and hearing the very Son of Almighty God.

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 3:1-5:18

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:9 “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the message of the gospel. Sending Your Son to this world was, of course, the most wonderful thing You could have possibly done. Your wisdom is perfect. You always know the right thing to do. Even though I do not understand it sometimes, I know that Your choice to use us as Your messengers to get the gospel to this world is also a good one. May we carry out Your will as we should! In the long run, I know that we will come to see why You have chosen to do things the way You have. You are always right. It is really reassuring to know someone who knows what is going on in this world. Thank You for helping us to understand our lives! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for A young lady seeking the Lord’s direction in her life. Pray for a man having trouble with his kidneys. Pray for a man with cancer.

Journal Entry #13208

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