Matthew 14:20

Matthew 14:20
   This miracle is, for many reasons, one of the most difficult for people to believe. Think of it. You have bread and fish instantly being produced out of thin air. There is no way to prove that there was some illusion to this. Indeed, many have claimed that the people had food with them all along, and that seeing Jesus try to feed everybody with such a small amount caused them to share. Of course, the fact that he had the whole group sit down first makes that hypothesis obviously false. If the disciples had not had enough food to go around, this would have been very apparent very quickly.
   Thus, this miracle is unarguably amazing. Some might ask about the twelve baskets of leftovers. They might try to say that the number twelve has some special significance, and that is thus why there were twelve left over. However, the answer is quite simple. There were twelve disciples! They gathered fragments until the baskets they had were full. There were possibly more left overs, but there were no more disciples! This is the most likely explanation for twelve baskets.
   Many may cry foul, asking where the disciples got baskets from in the middle of the desert. This is where sharing comes in. Though Jesus could have just as easily produced baskets out of thin air as much as food, this is not likely the case. The Jews would sometimes carry baskets with them when they were travelling, and among five thousand (plus women and children) you can be sure that there were at least twelve baskets to go around.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 17:1-20:8

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:15  “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your provision and Your leading. You know just what needs to be done, and just when to do it. May we always be ready for Your timing. Sometimes You do a lot of moving all at once. You move as You know is best. We always can be confident that You are the in control. Father, You are altogether wonderful. May Your praise be forever on our lips and in our hearts. Your Spirit fills us with a song of joy in spite of the problems of life. It is so much fun to see what You will do, and how You will do it. Thank You for providing just what is needed. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man recovering from liver surgery. Pray for a woman who is not feeling well. Pray for an elderly woman who has serious health issues.

Journal Entry #13231

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